The Ministry of Education offers different types and amounts of funding for different learning situations. Here are the different categories of learning and how they are funded:
Gr. K-9 Online Learning: A set amount will be granted for the year by the Ministry and CHeS uses the funds to pay for your program. Sometimes the family will need to purchase some of their own resources if the needs of the student are great.
Presently $600
Gr. 10-12 Online Learning: Funded per course similar to K-9 with a grant from the MInistry of Education. CHeS purchases any resources needed directly but if the needs of the student exceed our funding, families may need to pay for resources or services.
Presently $75/course
Gr. K-12 BC Registered Homeschool: A minimal amount of funding, with a set amount for the year.
Total of $135
Gr. K-12 Special Education Funded Students: SE supplemental funding is determined by the Ministry. This funding must cover all the costs of the SE program at our school. Therefore funding is granted per student but the whole department shares the funds so that administration costs as well as non-funded SE student needs can be covered.
Adult Students: Curriculum isn’t funded – students must purchase their own resources, but administration costs are covered by the Ministry if the adult completes courses. If an adult starts a course and doesn’t complete it, then we are not funded. We therefore will only work with adults who are very serious about completing what they start.